Embedded System Technologies
Integrated Development Environment
An Integrated Development Environment or Interactive Development Environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger. Most modern IDEs offer Intelligent code completion features. Some IDEs contain a compiler, interpreter, or both.
Development Tools
The Development Tools are designed for the professional software developer, however programmers of all levels can use them to get the most out of the embedded microcontroller architectures that are supported. It endorse the most popular microcontrollers and are distributed in several packages and configurations, dependent on the architecture. Microcontroller Development Kit for 32 bit microcontrollers are for several ARM7, ARM9, and Cortex-Mx based devices. Professional Developer Kit for 16 bit microcontrollers are for C166, XE166, and XC2000 devices. Other Development Tools for 8 bit microcontrollers are for 251 devices and for Classic & Extended 8051 devices. The ARM C/C++ compiler is designed to generate fast and compact code for the
The ARM C/C++ compiler is designed to generate fast and compact code for the ARM7, ARM9 and Cortex-Mx processor architectures; while the ANSI C compilers target the 8051, C166, XE166, and XC2000 architectures. They can generate object code that matches the efficiency and speed of assembly programming. Using a high-level language like C/C++ offers many advantages over assembly language programming:
The assembler translates assembly source files into re-locatable object modules and can optionally create listing files with symbol table and cross-reference details. Complete line number, symbol, and type information is written to the generated object files. This information enables the debugger to display the program variables exactly. An assembler allows you to write programs using microcontroller instructions. It is used where utmost speed, small code size, and exact hardware control is essential.
Object Converter
The object-hex converter creates Intel HEX files from absolute object modules that have been created by the linker. Intel HEX files are ASCII files containing a hexadecimal representation of your application program. They are loaded easily into a device program for writing to ROM, EPROM, FLASH, or other programmable memory. Intel HEX files can be manipulated easily to include checksum or CRC data.
Object Linker
The linker/locator combines object modules into a single, executable program. It resolves external and public references and assigns absolute addresses to relocatable program segments. The linker includes the appropriate run-time library modules automatically and processes the object modules created by the Compiler and Assembler.