Integration Services
System Integration
Under the System Integration Services, we integrate two or more software solutions, two or more technologies, two or more processes, two or more backends and other special purpose requirements. Our vast hold in wider functionalities of industrial requirement makes us truely competent partner.
These integrations are basically meant and build to share data and instruction on a realtime basis. Ours is used to be a two way communication system that never fails. Neither it miss the event and schedule nor it duplicate that. It also used to have capabilities to continue from a very old disconnection point of integration.
We have experienced real time data and system intgrations on minute by minute basis. Our solutions used to be a configurations based system. It supports setting up of important parameters and intervals for integration lookups. The same system can talk on a minute by minute basic interval and the same can interact half hourly, hourly, daily, weekly and the other interval you wish to set.