Energy Domain
This domain deals with electricity regulation, generation, transmission and distribution. Smart Grid is an addition to its latest revolutions. It is all about management of consumers, meters, assets, connection, metering, billing, collection, disconnection, dismantlement, accounting, auditing, technology enablement, system integration, resource, energy trading, scheduling, load dispatch and even more.
Banking Domain
This domain deals with banking regulation, money and service. Insurance service and online banking are additions to its latest revolutions. It is all about management of customers, deposit, loan, interest, kiosk, assets, new account, collection, settlement, accounting, auditing, technology enablement, system integration, resource, fiscal deficit, fiscal surplus, economy support, scheduling, service designing, service marketing, insurance linking, partnering and even more.
Accounting Domain
This domain deals with the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions, events which are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the result thereof. It is as old as money. It is all about management of documenting and record keeping in double entry system in a process of invoice, vouchers, debit and credit notes, day book, journal, ledger and trial balance. It accounting process manages capital and revenue related to expenditure, receipts, assets and liabilities, Bank reconciliation also come under accounting including preparation of final accounts like manufacturing account, trading account, profit and loss account and balance sheet. It is extended to aspects of partnership and company accounts.
Healthcare Domain
This domain deals with health administration, clinic and hospital. The domestic market in India is hardly at 5% stage to make it software driven. It is about management of patient, billing, payment, diagnosis, treatment, surgical, medical reviews, health history, medical insurance, claim, food, store, drug, asset, accounting, auditing, staff, doctor, research, lab, indoor and outdoor facilities, system subscriptions, centralization, technology enablement, system integration, scheduling, linking and a lot more.
Education Domain
This domain deals with education institutions like school, colleges and universities. It is all about management of Multiple Branch, Fee, Academic, Exam, Time Table, Holiday, Attendance, Syllabus, Library, Admission, Hostel, Employee, Student, Teacher, Parents and Report. And also Master Data, Stores, Accounts, Transport, Profiles, Initializations, Role & User Management much more.
Information Domain
This domain deals with end results of every data that is captured. Every software application is developed with an objective of getting the information in right way, with right content, with accuracy, for managerial decision, to stop revenue leakage, to get it in time, to have control over the operations, to get analysis, to be able to apply intelligence, to generate reports and to check the availability of right data. It is the widest domain specific to other domain. Most software application gives the focus on data captures and workflow whereas getting information is equally important. Hardly a 10% is covered along with the software application and the rest of 90% is not even imagined by either of developer or client.